a place ( to be ) for photography in Corsica
©fotograficasa 2013 designed by sopranA*
Fotograficasa* is an association (in accordance with the French law of 1901 concerning non-profit organizations) founded to foster the learning (master class, training, workshop…) and sharing (exhibitions, screenings, publications, open days…) of photographic practices.
An adventure for all
Members from the local Cap Corse community, whether adult or children, will always be included in the events organised by the Association. The promotion of our region will remain at the centre of all our choices. Human experiences will be at the heart of all our initiatives (both artistic and informative).
Art in life
Each year, the residence gives the opportunity for two photographers to work in a privileged context on a unique project inspired by the Cap Corse, in its particularism and universality. As much as possible, we will seek funding opportunities (public and private) to support the free attendance of young photographers to the master classes.
Art in the village?
In a time dominated by images, possibly making our lives devoid of what made these images powerful in the first place, we have decided to take the time to reflect on what makes images precious today. By turning to these essential roots, we strive to engage people with what makes photography unique and precious through the sharing of artistic excellence and by opening our old house located in a small village of the Corsican cap.
“The image must reveal mankind to mankind, reconcile a disunited humanity; it should makes us love this planet on which we have been given the possibility to live and it should bring mankind back to this land it is about to leave”
the project
“You’ll find more in forests than in books”
Saint Bernard de Clairvaux