a place ( to be ) for photography in Corsica
©fotograficasa 2013 designed by sopranA*
This workshop will involve the creation of a personal project. The aim is to take each participant well beyond the stage of making photographs and to explore the different forms and supports that can be used for a photo narrative. The challenge is twofold: to put together a coherent series of photos and to decide on the most suitable support for it, whether slide show, book, exhibition, or installation.
Philippe Guionie will help with the development of an idea and the definition of a subject, leaving participants to choose their genre (e.g., documentary portraiture, reportage, or self-portrait) according to their taste but also according to the genre's relevance to the chosen theme. Then the emphasis will be on going beyond people's usual approach, exploring different storytelling forms and making technical decisions (e.g., colour or b&w, format, distance, depth of focus, framing, texture) that will make sense of and give coherence to the work. The relationship between words and images will also be considered, in particular through writing a synopsis at the time of defining the subject and then, at the end of the process, when it comes to presenting the series.
Time schedule
Arrival on september 20th 2016
Begening of master class wednesday 21th morning, end monday 26th night
departure the day after
- Introduction to photography as a profession
- Analysis of participant's earlier work and skills level
- One-to-one interview and definition of a personal project
- Daily photography sessions and technical exercises
- Daily individual and group analysis of the previous day's images
- Selection of photos with a view to creating a series
All meals taken in group at Fotogrficasa. Home-made food.
The well-furnished library is on disposal for the participants. Photos, documentary films, movies wil be shown on a home-cinema.
Price of the workshop 580€
Number of participants: 10 ( maximum )
Material to bring
- Any file (photos, portfolio…) witnessing your level
- Your digital carema(s) and your accessories
- At least 2/3 memory cards
- A laptop or a storage device (capacity of 8Go at least, compatible with Mac OS)
Philippe Guionie
Trained as a historian, Philippe Guionie is a documentary photographer working on the themes of memory and the construction of identity. He has written several books—Anciens combattants africains, Un petit coin de paradis (Les Imaginayres/Diaphane, 2006), Africa-America (Diaphane, 2012) and Swimming in the Black Sea (Filigranes éditions, 2014)—and shown his work at galleries and festivals in France and abroad, including the Château d'Eau Gallery in Toulouse, the Polka Gallery in Paris, French cultural institutes in Africa and South America and the Tbilisi Photography Festival in Georgia. He has won several photography awards and grants, including the 2008 Prix Roger Pic for his series “The Tirailleur and the Three Rivers”. Philippe lectures on semiotics of the image at the École de Formation de la Photographie et du Multimédia (ETPA) in Toulouse. A member of the Myop agency since 2009, he is represented by the Polka Gallery in Paris. In 2015, he curated "Koudjina en héritages", a show at the Bamako Photography Festival, and headed the 1+2 residency in Toulouse (1plus2.fr).
©Diana Lui
Master class Philippe Guionie september 21/26th 2016