a place ( to be ) for photography in Corsica
©fotograficasa 2013 designed by sopranA*
master class of photography
Fotograficasa offers the opportunity to attend Master classes led by well-established photographers who have a unique and distinctive style. These workshops are aimed primarily at professional and non-professional photographers who are already involved in a personal project or who aspire to develop one.
The workshops take place at Rogliano and take the form of a full-immersion, with attendees residing with the artist in the same house for one week. The photo shoots will take place in the house and its immediate and stunning surrounding as well as around the local region, namely the northern part of the Corsican Cap, “Capu Biancu”. Each master will draft its own programme, based on the weather conditions and the group dynamics and interests.
The workshops are limited to 9 attendees in order to foster a privileged and unique learning experience and also contributes to the group dynamics.
After six days of “work”, the master class concludes with an exhibition and/or a screening. Attendees arrive on site on Saturday early afternoon and leave the following Saturday after lunch; they are taken from and to the Bastia airport or port. They will reside together in casA magnA where all meals are provided throughout the week. Printers (A2+) and screening rooms are available for use. Mobile phone reception is very limited in the house; however, the two “live box” allow using Wi-Fi throughout the property, and home phone is available.
Our ethos is simple; we want every workshop to constitute a unique adventure, one where the artistic practice is enhanced by human exchange and by the discovery of this gorgeous region of Corsica which we hold so dearly.
Educational costs / 6 days: 580€
Master class 2016*
Philippe Guionie september 21/26th 2016
Klavdij Sluban june 4/10 2016
since 2013 >>>
Olivier Culmann > 2015
Klavdij Sluban > 2015
Françoise Huguier > 2014
Jean Christian Bourcart >2014
Pascal Dolémieux > 2013
Claudine Doury > 2013
& soon . . .
Olivier Laban Mattei >
Eric Bouvet >
. . .
*Up date comming
fotograficasa* scholarship
There are two scholarships available for each master class. The scholarships are aimed at young photographers who will be selected by a jury*.
*Jury : Master photographer, Claudine Maugendre ( Curator ), Pascal Dolémieux & ritA Scaglia ( fotographicasa* founder )